The year 2025 in ‘Licht aus der Jurte Shamanic Centre Vienna’ will be a particularly healing, joyful
and beneficial year for all of us.
Sound psychological, spiritual and shamanic knowledge will lead individuals to a personal, constructively energised source of strength.
It leads to growing uniqueness and individual power for the future.
Paths of humanity
‘Know thyself’ is the beginning of every spiritual path.
You could interpret it as: Recognise your innermost being. Recognise where you come from and
where your heart, your innermost being is leading you.
Perhaps a project for 2025 for some readers?
Creative forces
In pre-Christian mysteries, the question of where from
was asked primarily and it took time until one could
look to the future. In order to open up the possibilities of the future, it was necessary to look within.
The same is true today.
We need to find out what moves the soul, what purifies it and what is fruitful for it.
Revitalising forces
Our experience in ‘Licht aus der Jurte’ shows that there is a constant interplay between the material and the spiritual until the two find unity.
Until earthly life can express spiritual experience.
Until the love of the heart and clear thinking are strongly connected.
And the question is, what kind of thinking, what kind of feelings, what kind of actions need to be developed to achieve this?
In 2025, we invite you to embark on a spiritual path that will transform your personal life into a force field in which healing can take place.
Spirit of warmth
We invite you to reject the spirits of obstacles that lead to constant conflict.
To create goals and enter into an exchange with the forces from the spheres of light.
To make new experiences in bright movements.
This requires courage, responsibility and co-operation.
Without spiritual ideals, without transforming forces, it will not be possible to ‘recognise yourself’.
Regina Hruska Stephanie König Contact